Amigos no es de romperse la cabeza lo mejor que podemos hacer es irnos con el dealer que pague mas por la instalación. Cuando yo sepa quien pagara mejor les daré el nombre del dealer y el teléfono para que sometan las ventas allí. Esto le ocacionara un boquete a los que roncan de ser los mejores.
Vamos a ser listos. Corran la voz y esten pendiente al BLOG.
El Propósito de este Blog es mantenerlos informados sobre los cambios en tecnología satelital en Puerto Rico. Como todos ya sabemos efectivo el 3 de junio de este año, Dish Network hace oficial se cambio en tecnología de Legacy a DISH PRO.
Buscar este blog
lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010
viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
Curso Instalacion y afinar antena 30"
No te quedes atraz, aprende a instalar y configurar la nueva antena de 30", no es fácil afinar la misma. Si no tienes la experiencia ni has practicado podrás estar mas de dos horas intentándolo.
Se estará ofreciendo entrenamiento de como armar la nueva antena de 30" y la afinación de la misma. El primer curso se estará ofreciendo en Cabo Rojo, este sábado 22 de mayo 2010. El costo por persona es de $50.00, espacios limitados a 12 personas por sección. La primera sección sera a las 9:00AM y la segunda a las 2:00PM.
Para mas información comunicarse con el Sr. Rivera al 787-247-1138. Debe de reservar antes de viernes a las 5:00pm.
Para otros lugares y dias pueden enviar un e-mail o comunicarse con el Sr. 787-247-1138.
Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de instalar y afinar una antena.
Se estará ofreciendo entrenamiento de como armar la nueva antena de 30" y la afinación de la misma. El primer curso se estará ofreciendo en Cabo Rojo, este sábado 22 de mayo 2010. El costo por persona es de $50.00, espacios limitados a 12 personas por sección. La primera sección sera a las 9:00AM y la segunda a las 2:00PM.
Para mas información comunicarse con el Sr. Rivera al 787-247-1138. Debe de reservar antes de viernes a las 5:00pm.
Para otros lugares y dias pueden enviar un e-mail o comunicarse con el Sr. 787-247-1138.
Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de instalar y afinar una antena.
Fotos Instalacion y Configuracion Antena 30"
Durante el día de hoy estaremos preparando un vídeo, en el cual se visualizara la instalación del plato de 30" y los LNB PRO. Como todos ya sabemos ECHO 14 esta ya en funcionamiento. Este vídeo esta disponible ya para mañana en la noche.
El mismo contara con el procedimiento de instalación piso y pared. Además el ajustes para asegurar el SAT 119 y SAT 110.
Esperamos se muy útil para usted.
Algunas fotos del Kit que se le estará dando para la instalación:
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010
Invitacion a Gerenciales y Dueños de Dealers
Estimados Gerenciales y Dueños de Dealers:
Están invitados a compartir su información aquí en el BLOG. De esa manera la información que fluye en este medio podrá se validada por ustedes. La fuente de esta información es basada a su propias reuniones de ventas y entrenamiento.
Los invito formalmente a participar de los temas que aquí se tratan. Este medio surgió por la inquietud de los contratistas y vendedores independientes. Recuerden que ustedes han recogido frutos de nuestro trabajo y es hora que se haga justicia.
Dedemos estar atentos con los cambios de DSIH, los cuales afectaran la entrada monetaria a nosotros como técnicos e instaladores. Sabemos que ustedes estan visitando este BLOG, los felicito ya que de esta forma pueden parpar el sentir de la clase técnica.
Si alguna persona le falta el respecto sera vaneados y bloqueados de esta forma perderán la oportunidad de comentar y leer la información que ellos necesitan.
Le damos de nuevos las gracias por visitar este BLOG y espero su participación mas activa y así podrán evitar que se rumoree información falsa. Queda de ustedes.
HERVP, Editor fundador 2010
Están invitados a compartir su información aquí en el BLOG. De esa manera la información que fluye en este medio podrá se validada por ustedes. La fuente de esta información es basada a su propias reuniones de ventas y entrenamiento.
Los invito formalmente a participar de los temas que aquí se tratan. Este medio surgió por la inquietud de los contratistas y vendedores independientes. Recuerden que ustedes han recogido frutos de nuestro trabajo y es hora que se haga justicia.
Dedemos estar atentos con los cambios de DSIH, los cuales afectaran la entrada monetaria a nosotros como técnicos e instaladores. Sabemos que ustedes estan visitando este BLOG, los felicito ya que de esta forma pueden parpar el sentir de la clase técnica.
Si alguna persona le falta el respecto sera vaneados y bloqueados de esta forma perderán la oportunidad de comentar y leer la información que ellos necesitan.
Le damos de nuevos las gracias por visitar este BLOG y espero su participación mas activa y así podrán evitar que se rumoree información falsa. Queda de ustedes.
HERVP, Editor fundador 2010
Uplink Transicion de E 7(119) a E 14(119)
Uplink Comparison Range: 05/19/2010 02:45A - 05/19/2010 03:07A
Channel Removals:
6808 - UP9 (NA) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27
6840 - UP8 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2
6847 - UP11 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18
6855 - UP10 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5
6862 - UP10 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24
6877 - UP29 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12
Channel Moves:
7030 - KIMO [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-ABC)
7031 - KTVA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-CBS)
7032 - KTUU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-NBC)
7033 - KTBY [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-FOX)
7035 - KYES [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-MNT)
7036 - KAKM [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-PBS)
7037 - KYESD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-N/A)
7038 - KDMD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-IND)
8957 - KUVE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Green Valley, AZ-UNI)
8954 - KWBA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Sierra Vista, AZ-CW)
8950 - KGUN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-ABC)
8951 - KOLD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-CBS)
8952 - KVOA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-NBC)
8953 - KMSB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-FOX)
8955 - KTTU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-MY)
8956 - KUAT [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-PBS)
8958 - KHRR [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-TEL)
8959 - KUDF [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-AZT)
6441 - KTVU [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(Oakland, CA-FOX)
6438 - KGO [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-ABC)
6439 - KPIX [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-CBS)
6442 - KRON [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-MNT)
6440 - KNTV [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Jose, CA-NBC)
7485 - WGSA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Baxley, GA-CW)
7480 - WJCL [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-ABC)
7481 - WTOC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-CBS)
7482 - WSAV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-NBC)
7486 - WVAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-PBS)
5657 - KITV2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-N/A)
5669 - KHON2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-N/A)
8900 - KITV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-ABC)
8901 - KGMB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-CBS)
8902 - KHNL [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-NBC)
8903 - KHON [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-FOX)
8904 - KFVE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-MY)
8905 - KHET [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-PBS)
8906 - KBFD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-NBC)
8907 - KWHE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-IND)
8908 - KIKU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-IND)
7487 - WJWJ [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Beaufort, SC-PBS)
7250 - WOLO [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-ABC)
7251 - WLTX [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-CBS)
7252 - WIS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-NBC)
7253 - WACH [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-FOX)
7255 - WZRB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-CW)
7256 - WRLK [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-PBS)
7483 - WTGS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Hardeeville, SC-FOX)
7254 - WKTC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Sumter, SC-MY)
7080 - WMVT [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12 (A) (H)(Milwaukee, WI-PBS)
7081 - WMLW [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12 (A) (H)(Milwaukee, WI-IND)
104 - IDEA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
134 - SHNBC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
137 - QVC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
210 - CSPAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
211 - CSPN2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
212 - NASA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
222 - HSN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
225 - C&T [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
228 - SHNBC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
230 - ICTV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
260 - TBN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
261 - EWTN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
299 - REELZ [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
469 - ORDER [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
641 - TVJPN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A)
5836 - TST [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (NA)
7040 - ALSKA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)
9404 - CSPAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9409 - TBN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9411 - NAUHS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9412 - UCTV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9417 - EWTN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9602 - BTV [SD TV] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
9648 - IDEA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
19073 - HSNAP [DATA] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
Transponder Changes:
EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam 20000 QPSK 7/8 added
EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 changed from 20000 QPSK 5/6 to 20000 QPSK 7/8
EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam 20000 QPSK 7/8 removed
EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 21500 8PSK 5/6 removed
Channels in the system: 7056
(A) = Available to subscribers
(NA) = Not Available
(H) = Hidden from non-subscribers
Channel Removals:
6808 - UP9 (NA) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27
6840 - UP8 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2
6847 - UP11 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18
6855 - UP10 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5
6862 - UP10 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24
6877 - UP29 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12
Channel Moves:
7030 - KIMO [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-ABC)
7031 - KTVA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-CBS)
7032 - KTUU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-NBC)
7033 - KTBY [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-FOX)
7035 - KYES [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-MNT)
7036 - KAKM [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-PBS)
7037 - KYESD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-N/A)
7038 - KDMD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)(Anchorage, AK-IND)
8957 - KUVE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Green Valley, AZ-UNI)
8954 - KWBA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Sierra Vista, AZ-CW)
8950 - KGUN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-ABC)
8951 - KOLD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-CBS)
8952 - KVOA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-NBC)
8953 - KMSB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-FOX)
8955 - KTTU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-MY)
8956 - KUAT [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-PBS)
8958 - KHRR [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-TEL)
8959 - KUDF [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 6 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A5 (A) (H)(Tucson, AZ-AZT)
6441 - KTVU [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(Oakland, CA-FOX)
6438 - KGO [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-ABC)
6439 - KPIX [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-CBS)
6442 - KRON [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Francisco, CA-MNT)
6440 - KNTV [MPEG4 HD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam A2 (A) (H)(San Jose, CA-NBC)
7485 - WGSA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Baxley, GA-CW)
7480 - WJCL [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-ABC)
7481 - WTOC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-CBS)
7482 - WSAV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-NBC)
7486 - WVAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Savannah, GA-PBS)
5657 - KITV2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-N/A)
5669 - KHON2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-N/A)
8900 - KITV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-ABC)
8901 - KGMB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-CBS)
8902 - KHNL [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-NBC)
8903 - KHON [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-FOX)
8904 - KFVE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-MY)
8905 - KHET [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-PBS)
8906 - KBFD [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-NBC)
8907 - KWHE [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-IND)
8908 - KIKU [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A) (H)(Honolulu, HI-IND)
7487 - WJWJ [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Beaufort, SC-PBS)
7250 - WOLO [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-ABC)
7251 - WLTX [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-CBS)
7252 - WIS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-NBC)
7253 - WACH [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-FOX)
7255 - WZRB [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-CW)
7256 - WRLK [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Columbia, SC-PBS)
7483 - WTGS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Hardeeville, SC-FOX)
7254 - WKTC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 14 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B18 (A) (H)(Sumter, SC-MY)
7080 - WMVT [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12 (A) (H)(Milwaukee, WI-PBS)
7081 - WMLW [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 to EchoStar14 119W TP 04 Spotbeam B12 (A) (H)(Milwaukee, WI-IND)
104 - IDEA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
134 - SHNBC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
137 - QVC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
210 - CSPAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
211 - CSPN2 [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
212 - NASA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
222 - HSN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
225 - C&T [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
228 - SHNBC [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
230 - ICTV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
260 - TBN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
261 - EWTN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
299 - REELZ [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
469 - ORDER [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
641 - TVJPN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 1 to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 (A)
5836 - TST [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (NA)
7040 - ALSKA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 09 Spotbeam 2 to EchoStar14 119W TP 01 Spotbeam A24 (A) (H)
9404 - CSPAN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9409 - TBN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9411 - NAUHS [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9412 - UCTV [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9417 - EWTN [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A) (H)
9602 - BTV [SD TV] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
9648 - IDEA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
19073 - HSNAP [DATA] moved from EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam (A)
Transponder Changes:
EchoStar14 119 TP 09 ConUS beam 20000 QPSK 7/8 added
EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A27 changed from 20000 QPSK 5/6 to 20000 QPSK 7/8
EchoStar7 119W TP 04 ConUS beam 20000 QPSK 7/8 removed
EchoStar7 119W TP 07 Spotbeam 4 21500 8PSK 5/6 removed
Channels in the system: 7056
(A) = Available to subscribers
(NA) = Not Available
(H) = Hidden from non-subscribers
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